Orange Coast Database Associates
P.O. Box 6142
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607

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Accelerated training for working professionals

Orange Coast Database Associates, Inc.
Course Catalog (All Modalities)

Item IDCourse Title and DescriptionPricePerLength
IPASSIndividual Microsoft Access Training Passport395.00Student24.0 hrs
IPASCIndividual Combo Training Passport595.00Student24.0 hrs
DISVOLGroup Discount: 2-4 students 20%; 5-8 30%; >8 quote Student 
AIN100Introduction to Microsoft Access295.00Student12.0 hrs
AIN100AMicrosoft Access Training Part 1165.00Student6.0 hrs
AIN100BMicrosoft Access Training Part 2165.00Student6.0 hrs
AIA101Accelerated Introduction to Access245.00Student9.0 hrs
AIN103Microsoft Access Training Part 3165.00Student6.0 hrs
AIN102Microsoft Access Focus on Queries165.00Student6.0 hrs
AIN106Microsoft Access Reporting & Analysis165.00Student6.0 hrs
AVB201Beginning Access VBA Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
AVB202Intermediate Access VBA Training95.00Student3.0 hrs
AVB207Programming Microsoft Access using VBA195.00Student6.0 hrs
APV101Microsoft Access Hourly Training (Tutoring); min 1 hr45.00Hour1.0 hrs
SQL200Accelerated Introduction to SQL Class290.00Student9.0 hrs
SQL200SIntroduction to SQL Data Retrieval195.00Student6.0 hrs
SQL202Accelerated Introduction to SQL Using Microsoft SQL Server I290.00Student9.0 hrs
SQL202SAccelerated Introduction to SQL Queries using SQL Server195.00Student6.0 hrs
SQL204Accelerated Introduction to SQL Using Microsoft SQL Server II95.00Student3.0 hrs
SQL302Intermediate SQL Using Microsoft SQL Server290.00Student9.0 hrs
SQL302SIntermediate SQL Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server195.00Student6.0 hrs
SQL201SAccelerated Introduction to SQL Queries using MySQL195.00Student6.0 hrs
SQL201WAccelerated Introduction to SQL Using MySQL290.00Student9.0 hrs
SQL212Accelerated Introduction to SQL Using Oracle I290.00Student9.0 hrs
SQL212SIntroduction to SQL Queries using Oracle195.00Student6.0 hrs
SQL200AAccess SQL & Query Design Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
DBD200Introduction to Relational Databases490.00Student12.0 hrs
DBD201Accelerated Relational Database Design245.00Student6.0 hrs
DBD221MRelational Database Design with MySQL245.00Student6.0 hrs
DBD231ARelational Database Design - A Practical Approach245.00Student6.0 hrs
JVA101Introduction to Coding Using Java140.00Student5.0 hrs
PYN101Introduction to Coding Using Python120.00Student5.0 hrs
PRO190Programming Bundle195.00Student6.0 hrs
EXC101NMicrosoft Excel for Absolute Beginners140.00Student5.0 hrs
EXC101XMicrosoft Excel Training Part 1195.00Student6.0 hrs
EXC102iMicrosoft Excel Training Part 2195.00Student6.0 hrs
EXC103IMicrosoft Excel Training Part 3195.00Student6.0 hrs
EXC201Excel Data Analysis with Pivot Tables155.00Student3.0 hrs
PRJ101AAccelerated Introduction to Microsoft Project220.00Student6.0 hrs
PRJ101XMicrosoft Project Training Part 1195.00Student6.0 hrs
PRJ102iMicrosoft Project Training Part 2195.00Student6.0 hrs
PRJ180Project Management Fundamentals195.00Student6.0 hrs
PRJ190Project Management Training Bundle295.00Student12.0 hrs
EVB201iIntroduction to Excel VBA295.00Student6.0 hrs
INF101kIntroduction to InfoPath245.00Student6.0 hrs
OTL101IMicrosoft Outlook Basic185.00Student6.0 hrs
OTL103Microsoft Outlook Advanced Class195.00Student6.0 hrs
PPT101XMicrosoft PowerPoint Basic185.00Student6.0 hrs
PPT102iMicrosoft PowerPoint Advanced Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
PUB101XMicrosoft Publisher Basic Class195.00Student6.0 hrs
PUB103Microsoft Publisher Advanced Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
WRD101XMicrosoft Word Basic Training185.00Student6.0 hrs
WRD102IMicrosoft Word Intermediate Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
WRD103iMicrosoft Word Advanced Training195.00Student6.0 hrs
LCD201DSIntroduction to Database Diagramming with Lucidchart95.00Student3.0 hrs
VIS101XVisio Basic215.00Student6.0 hrs
VIS103Visio Advanced Training215.00Student6.0 hrs
VIS201DSIntroduction to Database Diagramming with Visio95.00Student3.0 hrs
MSO190Microsoft Office General Training245.00Student6.0 hrs
IND101Hourly Private Training (Rates may vary, min 1 hr)40.00Hour1.0 hrs
CUS102Custom Class Day (2 Modules)295.00Student6.0 hrs
MAT100Materials fee for extra manuals, etc. (Fee may vary)29.95Student 
MOD100Module (Course) Development50.00Hour1.0 hrs
CON101Hourly Consulting75.00Hour1.0 hrs
TUT101Tutoring45.00Hour1.0 hrs
PRG100Hourly Programming75.00Hour1.0 hrs
PRG102Fixed Bid Programming ($75/hr base rate) Quote 
TRN110Travel Time Charge50.00Hour1.0 hrs
TRV102Mileage charge beyond Local Area0.45Mile