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Below are several free SQL tutorial sites. Some have the capability for you to enter and execute SQL queries on-line. We encourage students to try one of these before or after class. You can post follow-up questions to the web board below.


SQLCourse: Interactive Online SQL Training for beginners


W3Schools SQL Tutorial: Excellent on-line SQL course.


SQL Zoo: Another live SQL tutorial. Has a quick reference right up front.


SQL on Simple SQL explanations using a left side bar navigation to the different sql statements.


Hoffman's WWW Introduction to SQL Tutorial: Good, comprehensive tutorial. Does not use live SQL execution or require a download.


Ocelot SQL Tutorial: Ocelot SQL Tutorial. You might find some interesting stuff here like setting up ODBC etc. But it requires a download.


Head First SQL Sticky Notes - Magnets? I never heard of them, either. But here is a link to a really unusual learning tool - virtual "sticky magnets" from Head First Books. You rearrange them to create an SQL statement.

Have fun!


Web Sites

Database Journal/MySQL - MySQL news and information source - MySQL home page. SQL scripts and other database oriented course information for Orange Coast Database students. (portions always under construction!)

View OCDatabases's course PowerPoint presentations on slidesharePowerPoint slides for our SQL and other classes.


Newsgroups, Forums and Boards

Orange Coast Databases Activeboard: Orange Coast Databases Class follow up questions and answers, tips, etc.



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